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• Joined: 29 July 2006
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Hila Kummins

(Unconfirmed. Cannot send/receive messages)
Hila's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Givat Oz, Israel - (61) joined: 29/07/2006 05:30:14
Looking for: Susan (us) Yaacov (iran)
Israel Kibbutz Gvat, Israel - (61) joined: 29/07/2006 05:32:01
Looking for: Annelies (holland)

Meanwhile in the same Year: [Framework for Peace] in Middle East signed by Egypts President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Premier Menachem Begin after 13-day conference at Camp David led by President Jimmy Carter ...more

A bit about Hila:
American, female living in Northampton United States.

Lived on Givat as a slave in the apple orchards in 1978, then I left for Givat Oz ulpan in Sept 78 and stayed until May 1979. Am 47, live in MA (US) work as an herbalist and follow events in Israel as much as possible. Have never returned to Israel and have no desire to come back, in light of the many changes that have occurred there since I left... would love to hear from anyone else from either kibbutz from around the time I was over there! Also I've got lots of pictures taken the year I was there which I'll post up soon. Peace, Hila

Hila's message to the world:
Can't we all just try and get along???

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