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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 23 February 2003
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Ian Richardson

(AKA: Hori )
Ian's Trips & Places
Egypt Zag A Zig, Egypt - (1) joined: 25/02/2003 20:44:13
Looking for: Ola Barakat Nadia Barakat Azza Barakat Waleed Barakat Abdel Barakat

Meanwhile in the same Year: Rudolf Hess strangled himself at age 93 after having been in prision since 1941. He was the sole prisioner at the facility. ...more
Egypt Beilbis, Egypt - (3) joined: 23/02/2003 15:47:36
Looking for: Ola Barakat Azza Barakat Waleed Barakat Nadia Barakat Mother Abdel Barakat Father

Meanwhile in the same Year: Prozac is introduced as an anti-depresent. the same year Bobby McFerrin tells everyone "Don't worry, be happy" Coincidence? ...more

A bit about Ian:
Scottish, female living in Dalgety Bay, Fife .

Now retired, Ola and Rosemary my wife and her Father visited the ancient sites of Bubastis, Ola took me to her University at Shakaria where she had studied as a student I have remembered that Ola Barakat moved to the egyptian town of Zag A Zig. this is north of Cairo. Ola Barakat was also a student for a while at Zag A Zig University

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