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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz HaHoterim around about 1980 +/- 4 years.

Gordon Thomson, Scottish 1975
Seeking: Adrian Pick Mick Lynch Norma Lynch Gadi Rabinovitch Ruso Rousseau Barbara Bichunsky
Seeking: Geof Olrid, British (Wales) Debbie Ungar (USA) Carol and Jocelyn (Canada) Paul (New Zealand) Jonathan (USA) Alan Curry (England) Nelson Roberto(Brazil) Alejandro (Argentina) Anne (Austalia) Cathy (Switzaland) and anyone else who remembers me and would like to get in touch
Gordon Thomson, Scottish 1976
Seeking: Mick Lynch Norma Lynch David Solomon Gadi Rabinovitch Joy Derek
Seeking: carole dorris,canadian harry swier,dutch
Seeking: cathyniedristdutch
Tzon Barkan (Jonathan), 1976
Seeking: Geoff Oldrid Harry Zwier Paul Denby
Drora Bijlenga, Israeli 1977
Edit Weinstein, Israeli 1977
Seeking: Monty Schneidr U.s.a Andy S.f. Beaver Ingland
Geoff Oldrid, English 1977
Seeking: Debbie Ungar Jonathan Barken Carol Jocelyn Emeraud
Gordon Thomson, Scottish 1977
Seeking: cathyniedrist
Marcus Coad, 1977
Max Kosovich, Australian 1977
Seeking: Drora Goldstein
Monte Schneider, American 1977
Seeking: Edit
Sean Burns, 1977
Seeking: Mike and Norma Lynche Lito and Monica
Tzon Barkan (Jonathan), 1977
Bill Dornisch, American 1978
Seeking: Uri Terner Itzik Fisher "scotty" "rene" Edit Weinstein Yael Michelle (canada)
Drora Bijlenga, Israeli 1978
Seeking: Sally Hall-Usa, Philip Mc Donald-British, Max Kosovich-Australian, Jocelyn-Canadian, Leo Blom-Dutch.
Edit Shany, Israeli 1978
Seeking: Monty Schneidre Andy Beaver Richard Bass
Itzick Fisher, Australian 1978
Seeking: John Walls -Us Renee Jonstad -Sweeden Ruban Orbach-Usa
Itzick Fisher, Australian 1978
Seeking: John Walls -Us Renee Jonstad -Sweeden Ruban Orbach-Usa Bill Dornisch-Usa
Seeking: marcus coad,british
Pam Beaver, Canadian 1978
Seeking: Mick Staley England
Bocha Resnik, Argentinian 1980
Seeking: Hary Justine Mario Robert

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