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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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• Joined: 03 November 2003
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Angel Wakstein

(AKA: Angelo )
Angel's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Ramot Menashe, Israel - (111) joined: 03/11/2003 15:04:50
Looking for: Adrian (rsa) Yohan (rsa) Ann Marie (rsa) Mitch (uk) Pedro (portugal) Ingvil (nor) Danish Girl (very Hot)
Israel Kibbutz Bet HaShitta, Israel - (126) joined: 05/11/2003 02:30:15
Looking for: Adam Usa Daniella Switzerland Katrina Sweden Igor Russia Olga Russia So Many More Cant Remember

Meanwhile in the same Year: gas attack by the Aum Shinri Kyo cult on Tokyos subways killed 12 people ...more

A bit about Angel:
Israeli, female living in Seoul South Korea .

Im studying Korea in Seoul for a year till july 2005, then only God knows... left England and not sure where im heading, someone contact me pls!!

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