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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 13 April 2003
• Is Online: False


Matthew O'Keefe

Matthew's Trips & Places
Thailand Ko Samui, Thailand - (22) joined: 13/04/2003 10:37:01
Looking for: Graham - Canadian Billy - American Helen - Irish
Thailand Ko Pha Ngan, Thailand - (14) joined: 13/04/2003 10:39:06
Looking for: Aundrea Minshull

Meanwhile in the same Year: gas attack by the Aum Shinri Kyo cult on Tokyos subways killed 12 people ...more
Australia Sydney (no specific place), Australia - (154) joined: 13/04/2003 10:35:19
Looking for: Alex Hancock Wendy Kier Sally Rogers
Thailand Khoa Sahn Road, Thailand - (10) joined: 13/04/2003 10:40:35
Looking for: Denise Moore
Indonesia Bali, Indonesia - (14) joined: 13/04/2003 10:41:15
Looking for: Fabia Poli
New Zealand South Island, New Zealand - (3) joined: 13/04/2003 10:45:14
Looking for: Kiwi Experience, February 1996
Australia Perth, Australia - (87) joined: 09/03/2005 10:06:14
Looking for: Dave Golden

Meanwhile in the same Year: O.J. Simpson trial begins (Yawn) ...more
New Zealand New Zealand (all over), New Zealand - (64) joined: 13/04/2003 10:37:34
Looking for: Yvonne Pazitny

Meanwhile in the same Year: Scientists cloned Dolly the sheep. ...more
Mexico Mexico City, Mexico - (18) joined: 13/04/2003 10:48:05
Looking for: Imogen Ian Cara

Meanwhile in the same Year: World Cup France: France 3 - Brasil 0 (Beckham sent off) ...more

A bit about Matthew:
English, female living in Vancouver, Bc .

Matthew's Bucket List


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