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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 09 July 2007
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Nancy Eckerfield

Nancy's Trips & Places
Europe Naples,italy, Europe - (3) joined: 09/07/2007 19:58:03
Looking for: Josephine 'Pena'
Libya Tripoli, Libya - (7) joined: 09/07/2007 20:41:38
Looking for: Josephine (pena)
Europe Naples,italy, Europe - (3) joined: 10/07/2007 03:57:56
Looking for: Josephine

Meanwhile in the same Year: Worst nuclear disaster ever in Chernobyl, USSR ...more

Naples,italy Naples, Europe 1986
Josephine 'Pena' (front left). , Her sister (front right) cooked a wonderful italian meals to welcome my visit to Naples. - 1986 ::
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A bit about Nancy:
American, female living in Houston, Texas .

1985 - my husband worked for Mobil Libya. We lived in an expatriate compound in Tripoli, Libya. Josephine's husband worked for AGIP. 1986 - Josephine invited me to visit Naples, Italy, her hometown. There, I met her wonderful sister and family and they have welcomed me with opened arm. I'll always remember them. Unfortunately, I lost their contact numbers and actual names. I hope the pic attached will help me find them.

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