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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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• Joined: 03 April 2008
• Is Online: False


Claus Frederiksen

(Unconfirmed. Cannot send/receive messages)
Claus's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Mizra, Israel - (301) joined: 03/04/2008 10:34:46
Looking for: Steve Finley Jaffa Finley Ben Kepes Kristina Sass Nielsen Tristan Trine Hansen

Meanwhile in the same Year: Mosaic, web browser software, introduced. ...more
Denmark Demark, Denmark - (1) joined: 03/04/2008 23:05:16
Looking for: Mikala Garba David (drama Theacher) International Peoples College (ipc)

Meanwhile in the same Year: World Cup USA: Brasil - Italy 0:0 penalties: 3:2 ...more
Scotland, UK Edinburgh, Scotland, UK - (54) joined: 03/04/2008 17:02:33
Looking for: Steven Lorriman. Mikala Lorriman.

Meanwhile in the same Year: Endeavour 8 blasted off to study the far reaches of the universe. ...more
Southafrica Backpackers Ritz South Africa, Southafrica - (1) joined: 03/04/2008 16:50:27
Looking for: Roger Norway. Matthew On Jan Smiths Avenue. Eileen Vereinigen. Sean Bronco.
Israel Kibbutz Merhavia, Israel - (62) joined: 03/04/2008 16:59:18
Looking for: Micha. Israel Jehuda. Israel Linda. Denmark Monica. Denmark Frederico. Mexico

Meanwhile in the same Year: Olympic Park bombing ...more
Egypt Ras Ha Satan Sinai Egypt, Egypt - (2) joined: 03/04/2008 22:20:10
Looking for: Rachel. Tel-Aviv Israel Yael. Tel-Aviv Israel
Egypt Ras Ha Satan Sinai Egypt, Egypt - (1) joined: 03/04/2008 22:20:11
Looking for: Rachel. Tel-Aviv Israel Yael. Tel-Aviv Israel
Egypt Ras Ha Satan Sinai Egypt, Egypt - (2) joined: 03/04/2008 22:29:34
Looking for: Rachel Yael
Israel Home Hostel, Israel - (35) joined: 04/04/2008 00:36:29
Looking for: Nelima. Switzeland Paul Banks. Scotland Billy. Netherlands Dave.england/denmark The Uk Elvis Fan Justine. Uk
Egypt Rassatan Beach Camp Egypt, Egypt - (1) joined: 04/04/2008 01:25:15
Looking for: Peoale From The Camp

Meanwhile in the same Year: Two young boys, aged 13 and 14, killed 5 people at a Jonesboro, Arkansas middle school ...more

A bit about Claus:
Norwegian, female living in Boerkop .

spouse, son, house by the see , car, boat, dogs, cats and horses. work: protecting careworkers from violent people with mental disabelities witch makes them aggressive and unpredictible

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