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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 21 September 2006
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Johan Vreeswijk

Johan's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Ramot Menashe, Israel - (111) joined: 21/09/2006 21:27:17
Looking for: Jurjen (nl); Anne-Joke Klazes(nl); Erna Van Sambeek; Carla(nl)lia(uit Otterdam-Nl); Janet Obodov(usa); Daniel(kibitznik; Chief Of The Sheepshed)

Meanwhile in the same Year: Home videotape systems (VCRs) are developed in Japan by Sony (Betamax) and Matsushita (VHS). ...more

A bit about Johan:
Dutch, female living in Rotterdam Holland.

Born: Wednesday, 11 September 1957. 24,426 Days ago!

I'm living and working in Rotterdam(NL); with my wife Marjon and two kids: Eva and Stijn.

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