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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 23 May 2005
• Is Online: False


Jose Antonio Chavez

(AKA: Josesitoboni )
Jose Antonio's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Ramot Menashe, Israel - (111) joined: 23/05/2005 10:28:53
Looking for: Line Jenny Hannah Roderick Nicola Anette Michael Rene Bridget Sofia Evelyn Tim And Everyone From That Time.
Israel Kibbutz Ramot Menashe, Israel - (111) joined: 23/05/2005 15:31:32
Looking for: Everybody, Schlomo, Yosi, Liroth, Etc.
Israel Vertigo, Israel - (6) joined: 23/05/2005 15:39:12
Looking for: Everybody
Israel Kibbutz Ramot Menashe, Israel - (111) joined: 23/05/2005 15:46:19
Looking for: Anyone

Meanwhile in the same Year: NATO begins bombing Yugoslavia ...more
Ecuador Quito, Ecuador - (4) joined: 23/05/2005 15:47:24
Looking for: Natalia Senyuk

Meanwhile in the same Year: George W. Bush is sworn in as 43rd president ...more

Kibbutz Ramot Menashe  , Israel 2005
i haven´t got the time to scan the pictures from the kibutz but i will, anyways you guys remember me, no gottie by that time. - 2005 ::
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Kibbutz Ramot Menashe  , Israel 2004
With my daughter Lolita, well i haven´t got the time to scan the pictures from the kibbutz but you guys know i was there. - 2004 ::
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Kibbutz Ramot Menashe  , Israel 1999
In Bet Shean with Kibutz volunteer leader Gabi - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramot Menashe  , Israel 1999
Ramot Menashe i don´t remember if it was on 1999 or 2000, check out the whole latin bunch - 1999 ::
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Kibbutz Ramot Menashe  , Israel 1982
With my dear friend Juan, where the hell are you??? This place was supposed to be the exact location of the peace agreement between lebanon and Israel. - 1982 ::
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A bit about Jose Antonio:
Ecuadorian, female living in Quito-Ecuador .

I am studying medicine right now, i am planing to travel a lot after i´m done with my career, lets see what happens

Jose Antonio's Bucket List


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