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Statistics• Confirmed: False
• Joined: 07 May 2006
• Is Online: False


Melk Brown

(Unconfirmed. Cannot send/receive messages)
Melk's Trips & Places
Nigeria Maria, Nigeria - (3) joined: 07/05/2006 13:31:54
Looking for: Female

Meanwhile in the same Year: Apple Computer releases the Macintosh personal computer. ...more

A bit about Melk:
Nigerian, female living in Benin .

Hey Wassup Im fun to talk to. Like making new friends. My names MELK, or Peter as im sometimes called. Can be crazy and wild sometimes. I like music alot, and try to go to as many concerts as I can . I like sports that end with the word board, or anything extreme. But don't do much of it myself. Went Body Surfing in AO. So much fun. Have a peirced eyebrow and belly button.Well don't know what else to say. If I think of more I'll add on. Oh and please no one over 30, cause I find that kinda weird. John is my Come and get me baby *FR* Question: If sex was good food how many times in one day would you eat it? I WILL LIKE TO KNOW . i depend in trust and love.

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