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Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Ashdot Yaaqov Meuhad around about 1979 +/- 2 years.

Amnon Levin, Australian 1972
Seeking: Looking For all the Looking for: Audrey Lyczek, Larry Perimvtted, Hilary Entwistle, Lorrie Paduch, Valerie Francis, Margaret Smith, Lillian Van Noort, Gaye Dumont, Ernest Jerzykowski, Liz Cloud, Jane Hodson, Elisabeth Messer and all the other i may f
Amnon Levin, Australian 1973
Seeking: Looking For all the Looking for: Audrey Lyczek, Larry Perimvtted, Hilary Entwistle, Lorrie Paduch, Valerie Francis, Margaret Smith, Lillian Van Noort, Gaye Dumont, Ernest Jerzykowski, Liz Cloud, Jane Hodson, Elisabeth Messer and all the other i may f
Amnon Levin, Australian 1974
Seeking: Looking For all the Looking for: Audrey Lyczek, Larry Perimvtted, Hilary Entwistle, Lorrie Paduch, Valerie Francis, Margaret Smith, Lillian Van Noort, Gaye Dumont, Ernest Jerzykowski, Liz Cloud, Jane Hodson, Elisabeth Messer and all the other i may f
Amnon Levin, Australian 1975
Seeking: Looking For all the Looking for: Audrey Lyczek, Larry Perimvtted, Hilary Entwistle, Lorrie Paduch, Valerie Francis, Margaret Smith, Lillian Van Noort, Gaye Dumont, Ernest Jerzykowski, Liz Cloud, Jane Hodson, Elisabeth Messer and all the other i may f
Amnon Levin, Australian 1976
Seeking: Audrey Lyczek, Larry Perimvtted, Hilary Entwistle, Lorrie Paduch, Valerie Francis, Margaret Smith, Lillian Van Noort, Gaye Dumont, Ernest Jerzykowski, Liz Cloud, Jane Hodson, Elisabeth Messer
Ingrid Forssell, Swedish 1976
Amnon Levin, Australian 1977
Seeking: Looking For all the Looking for: Audrey Lyczek, Larry Perimvtted, Hilary Entwistle, Lorrie Paduch, Valerie Francis, Margaret Smith, Lillian Van Noort, Gaye Dumont, Ernest Jerzykowski, Liz Cloud, Jane Hodson, Elisabeth Messer and all the other i may f
Audrey Shields, Canadian 1977
Seeking: Percy Borochowitz
Audrey Shields, Canadian 1977
Seeking: Percy Borochowitz
Eric Verplanke, Dutch 1977
Seeking: Pollock Joe , Staelens Wilfried , Goldhuber Stephany
Ingrid Forssell, Swedish 1977
Seeking: Gaye Dumont
Ingrid Forssell, Swedish 1977
Seeking: Gaye Dumont
Seeking: Jim from Nebraska Can from Vancouver Mayer from New York
Percy Borochowitz, South African 1977
Seeking: Everybody I Knew
Amnon Levin, Australian 1978
Seeking: Looking For all the Looking for: Audrey Lyczek, Larry Perimvtted, Hilary Entwistle, Lorrie Paduch, Valerie Francis, Margaret Smith, Lillian Van Noort, Gaye Dumont, Ernest Jerzykowski, Liz Cloud, Jane Hodson, Elisabeth Messer and all the other i may f
Isla Fiori, 1978
John Baker, English 1978
Seeking: Judi Quinn Rosemary Barnard James Howell Evelyn Millbank Traci Ward Tony Bond
Julia Simmons (Zencali), Swedish 1978
Seeking: Martin Hansen Gerard Van Der Molen Aaron Malka Aoni Deborah From England
Margaret Packard, New Zealander / Kiwi 1978
Seeking: Richard Ireland Mandy England John (chef) England Yoav (aocados) Ashdot Yaaqov Arnon(cows) Ashdot Yaaqov Ali(cows) Ashdot Yaaqov Elizabeth Norway Lois New Zealand
ans mellink, 1979
Carmen Puget, British 1979
Seeking: Susan
Carmen Puget, British 1979
Seeking: Karen George &
Dean Scott, American 1979
Seeking: Baptists For Israel
Dean Scott, American 1979
Seeking: Baptists For Israel
Ernie Stott, 1979
Ernie Stott, 1979
Gordon Scofield, English 1979
Seeking: Mick C John C. Dave Dyer. Dave Rocker. Brian Bennet. Marjo Korhonen. Pete Heath. L.sonnergren. Pez. Bob Bell. Et Al.
Jose Lodge, 1979
Seeking: Ans Mellink
Seeking: Carmen, Bill, Viv, Sue, Alan, can't remember the other names - got heaps of pictures
Ernie Stott, 1980
Ernie Stott, 1982

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