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Francesca's Amigos

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• Joined: 07 October 2011
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Francesca Hockley

(AKA: Frankie )
Francesca's Trips & Places
Greece Bobby'S Bar, Greece - (31) joined: 07/10/2011 23:47:42
Looking for: Any of the old staff, Welsh Anna, Scottish Agnes, GR Andreas, Yannis, Valery, Bobby's 2, from around July 84, til some bugger blew it up in February 1985
Greece Athens, Greece - (53) joined: 07/10/2011 23:58:40
Looking for: Mary, she was a rep at the Golden Sun not sure if anyone would remember me, Frankie, only there for 9 months.. worked in Sussex 2 and then Bobbys 2, there the night the bomb went off, anyone know how Atilla got on?

Meanwhile in the same Year: Indira Gandhi is assassinated. ...more

A bit about Francesca:
Welsh, female living in England.

Born: 4th December

Came over to Glyfada worked as a nanny for a short time, then went to work for Minoli at the Sussex 2 then moved over to Bobby's 2, left in Feb 85 when worked dried up for obvious reasons to those who were there... met some really terrific people, played football against the brits from HMS Fearless, went to my first ever toga party on board there too.

Francesca's worldly wisdom:
Before you die you must... know you've lived a full life!

Francesca's Bucket List


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