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• Joined: 18 May 2004
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Elaine Alexander

(AKA: Lainey )
Elaine's Trips & Places
Spain Alcala De Henares, Spain - (1) joined: 18/05/2004 11:10:51
Looking for: Paul Campbell Nicola Barton Sanj

Meanwhile in the same Year: U.S. President Bill Clinton sends 6 American warships to enforce United Nations trade sanctions against the military-led regime in Haiti. ...more
Scotland, UK Glasgow, Scotland, UK - (72) joined: 08/04/2006 21:06:14
Looking for: Karen (cant Remember Her Surname But Once Had A Tequila Slammer Race With Her!!!!)she Was An Accountant Who Worked Upstairs From Where I Was Working. She Was A Good Laugh.

Meanwhile in the same Year: Scientists analyzing a Martian meteorite claim that it may provide evidence for the existence of ancient life on Mars ...more
Spain International House, Spain - (1) joined: 18/05/2004 11:23:43
Looking for: John O'Reilly Shaz O'Reilly Jack O'Reilly

Meanwhile in the same Year: Mars Pathfinder lands on Mars ...more
Spain San Sebastian, Spain - (4) joined: 18/05/2004 11:20:53
Looking for: Andrea Brown

Meanwhile in the same Year: Record High Tempatures. Texas Heat Wave killed many people, drought on the east coast killed many ...more

A bit about Elaine:
Scottish, female living in Tarragona Catalunya .

am married to marc. we live in tarragona. very happy. have just bought a gorgeous step babies. would love to hear from any one who was in alcala de henares on erasmus scheme 193-94 especially paul campbell, nicola barton and sanj and all the gang at the Panaderia. also would love to hear from any of the holiday reps i worked with in greece from 1987- 1991 and any old mates who fancy a chat. hope to hear from you soon. xxxxUpdate we have a gorgeouse 14 month baby boy Pol who is the love of our lives. Still miss the homeland!!!XXX

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