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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.


Statistics• Place Type: Town/City/Resort
• Photos: 0
• Amigos: 15
• No of Visits: 16743
• Last Visit: 26/07/2024 18:47:00
• Last Post: 04/10/2007 23:49:00
From whenst they came

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Cook Islands Oceania
Rarotonga Amigos . Recognise anyone?
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I was there in 1987 with an "expedition" from Cambridge University. I liked meeting all the travellers from around the world as well as some of the local guys who used to come and drink ... read on.
Posted by: Mike Bryan Comments: 0

Cook Islanders

VOTES RESULTS FOR COUNTRY the furteh back in time you go the highe up the waste ourt shortys were . today they atre round our butt cheks so we calculate that in fiv yearsd time... short will be round our ancle which has been a fashoin for some lostamigo for some time

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