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LostAmigos Kibbutz News Stream

13 July 2024
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Highslide JS 1974
Gracielle Kirkun and Jon Doust.
Highslide JS 1974
Gazit late 1973 or 1974.
Highslide JS 2009
Hi gang
Latest Events: *New
26 June 2024
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Highslide JS 1972
Highslide JS 1975
Highslide JS 1975
Highslide JS 1975
Highslide JS 1975
Highslide JS 1975
Highslide JS 1975
Highslide JS 1975
Highslide JS 1975
Highslide JS 1975
Highslide JS 1974
Highslide JS 1974
Highslide JS 1974
Highslide JS 1974
Highslide JS 1974
Highslide JS 1974
Highslide JS 1972
Highslide JS 1974
Highslide JS 1972
Highslide JS 1972
Latest Events: *New
23 June 2024
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Highslide JS 1993
Trip 93
Highslide JS 1992
Christmas party
Highslide JS 1982
Highslide JS 1998
Highslide JS 2007
Highslide JS 1995
Together in Nijmegen, The Netherlands: Nik, Claudia, Paulien, Marjolein, Olga & Sjerp.
Highslide JS 1995
Purim 1996
Highslide JS 1995
Lior, Claudia & Nia.
Highslide JS 1994
Sarah, Claudia & Donna
Highslide JS 1994
Nik, David, an Argentinian friend and I at "Beverly Hills" on a Friday night.
Highslide JS 1996
My boyfriend then (from 93 to 96), Lior, at Christmas time here in Brazil.
Highslide JS 1994
At the children house with little Roih.
Highslide JS 1996
Tamar & I getting reading for San Silvester party
Highslide JS 1994
This is me back then in Israel!
Highslide JS 2006
That's -more or less- how I look now
Highslide JS 1982
With my dear friend Juan, where the hell are you??? This place was supposed to be the exact location of the peace agreement between lebanon and Israel.
Highslide JS 1999
In Bet Shean with Kibutz volunteer leader Gabi
Highslide JS 1999
Ramot Menashe i don´t remember if it was on 1999 or 2000, check out the whole latin bunch
Highslide JS 1982
Highslide JS 1982
Latest Events: *New
10 June 2024
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Highslide JS 2010
Highslide JS 1987
Highslide JS 2009
Cuzco ,Peru 2009
Highslide JS 2008
Last year September school holidays, we travelled to Brazil for two weeks.
Highslide JS 2007
Two years ago at a wedding.
Highslide JS 2000
Yes, I'm stripping. Yes, it was an auction at the kibbutz Kfar Giladi
Highslide JS 2005
me two years ago or something ,
Highslide JS 1985
Eliat, june '85
Highslide JS 2007
Another picture of me 8 years later:-)
Highslide JS 2007
Just a littel picture of me, haven´t changed a lot:-)
Highslide JS 2004
Kibutz Kfar Giladi
Highslide JS 1995
This is me, ten years later.
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Kfar Giladi - New Years Eve - Millenium
Highslide JS 2005
Highslide JS 1986
The Avocado Team
Highslide JS 1986
Volunteer group photo
Highslide JS 1986
Lou (linsdsay Scott) Franie and Many
Highslide JS 2007
looking for friends from my kibbutz stay in 1998-99!!!!
Highslide JS 1981
Highslide JS 1981
19 May 2024
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 2010
A Knokke le Zoute
Highslide JS 1983
Me, Tsilla, My Dad and Tsilla's mother
Highslide JS 1982
Tsilla, Guy and Me
Highslide JS 1976
Hannu -these are not very clear-but Lisbet is on the right of the potatoe truck . I am just in front of her. , , I remember Armi.Can you see yourself? !! , , Best Mark
Highslide JS 1999
This is me on stage at glastonbury featival. I'm the one in red
Highslide JS 1986
Is in fact phatzael
Highslide JS 1996
Highslide JS 1996
Highslide JS 1996
Highslide JS 1996
Highslide JS 1996
Highslide JS 1996
we broke the bus
Highslide JS 1996
I dont remember here
Highslide JS 1996
Highslide JS 1996
Highslide JS 1996
yanir assuline
Highslide JS 1996
Highslide JS 1996
Highslide JS 1996
Highslide JS 1996
beanbag repare
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29 April 2024
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1984
Coney island
Highslide JS 1984
Volunteers trip to Massada
Highslide JS 1984
Volunteers trip to Jerusalem
Highslide JS 1984
Kor (NL), ?,?
Highslide JS 1984
First stone building, today outsite the kibbutz
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Army Volunteers, Dalila, me
Highslide JS 1969
Highslide JS 1969
Highslide JS 1969
Highslide JS 1969
Highslide JS 1969
Highslide JS 1969
Highslide JS 1969
Highslide JS 1969
Highslide JS 1969
Highslide JS 1969
Highslide JS 1969
Highslide JS 1969
Highslide JS 1969
Highslide JS 1960
23 April 2024
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Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
reunion in london
Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
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frog race
Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
Highslide JS 1988
Latest Events: *New
17 March 2024
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1977
Elaine Lodge, Rachael Barman, Bill Boulter on our trip to Jerusalem, 1977
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Reg, Johno, Mick, Paul, Martin, Adel, Vince at Rosh-a-Negra, 1977
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Gunner, Tommy, Alan Stewart, Evan, Yemani ready for Purim
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Nina, Fleming, Moshi and Johno on the kibbutz
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tall Lise (Liz) from Denmark and Alan somewhere near the Red Sea in '77
Highslide JS 1977
Alan Stewart, Sunshine ?, Mick, Dick, Yemani at the Golan Hights
Highslide JS 1977
Reg, Paul, Mick, Johno, Vince and Alan at the cafe on the corner near the Kibbutz.
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Alan and Israel the electrician (my boss) on my last day at work. Poor guy nearly killed himself by grasping a live overhead, didnt seem to over bother him but I look a bit stressed. Little guy but a big man.
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Hod Hasharon, Israel, July 4, 2009
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Nahariyya, Israel, May 31, 2010
Highslide JS 1977
Alan Stewart (Scottish), Yohan (Swiss), John Mortensen (Danish) at hut, Siberia, 1977
Highslide JS 1972
from l to r me, Peter Iversen, Kathy Eldredge
Highslide JS 1972
Highslide JS 1972
my hut
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The diningroom
Highslide JS 1972
The clubhouse
Highslide JS 1972
This photo, together with the other one of us
Highslide JS 1972
A group picnic on the grass. Larry is on the
Highslide JS 1972
Patsy is at David Pugh's feet. The girl on my
Highslide JS 1972
This is David Pugh after working a month on a
Latest Events: *New
03 March 2024
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1984
Jakie, Sam, Simon, Vesa, Sarah, Angie, Purim 15/03 1984- 19/03 1984
Highslide JS 1970
please help me find this guy, also named jerr
Highslide JS 1972
please help me find this guy, also named jerr
Highslide JS 1973
Highslide JS 1983
Highslide JS 1983
Some of my friends I met in Kibbutz Revivim. From left: Lisbeth (NOR), Me (BRA), Sandra Troxler (SUI), Angelika's brother (there on vacation), Patricia Grossi (BRA) and Angelika Gauler (SUI)
Highslide JS 1985
Phoneing home 85/86
Highslide JS 1985
Black mountains near Eilat my fav pic!
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just hanging out
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Tools for cleaning
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Cleaning our room
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In Eilat 85/86
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Kita Bet Revivim 85/86
Highslide JS 1985
Kita Alef Ulpan 85/86 Revivim
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Kali Kibbutz Revivim 85/86
Highslide JS 1985
Polly Kibbutz Revivim 85/86
Highslide JS 1985
Randy Kibbutz Revivim 85/86
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My visit to Petra, 1994. (had to crop this pic unfortunately as it was too big to upload)
Highslide JS 1993
I think this was at Revivim , That's actually a Kibbutz Revivim t shirt
Highslide JS 1993
This was me , drunk as a twat at the pub in Revivim one Friday night , late 1993
Latest Events: *New
02 March 2024
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 2008
lisa(liselotte) and my son Rasmus
Highslide JS 2004
Lisa - was in kibbutz Lahav 1989
Highslide JS 2008
me lisa and my youngest son rasmus
Highslide JS 2006
Highslide JS 2003
I am 1st Lieutenant, Mark E. Whaley, Jr with my wife of 4 years, Sarah Jean. We live in California where I am a Marine Artillery Officer
Latest Events: *New
13 February 2024
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1984
Highslide JS 1984
My messy Kibbutz room - home of many parties
Highslide JS 1984
Those were the days
Highslide JS 1982
KIbbutz Ramat David Oulpan
Highslide JS 2006
Gillian and Reagan in Townsville Australia
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I met Gillian at Ramat David and are now Married with four Kids.
Highslide JS 1974
Natan y Pedro (Gady) of Ramat David In the Dead Sea in a Kibbutz Trip. This was the days !!! Foto sacada por RUBEN
Highslide JS 2006
Me and Julieta
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My baby: Julieta Vazquez (6 months)
Highslide JS 1999
This is what you can expect to find on a kibbutz.Hot as Tobasco!
Highslide JS 1999
Club Vertigo with Mette from Denmark
Latest Events: *New
30 January 2024
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1983
Galillee '83 L-R Nick, Dave,Paul, Dougie, Rob
Highslide JS 1979
Highslide JS 1979
Highslide JS 1979
Highslide JS 1981
Gert and Aake. Sweeden
Highslide JS 1981
To svenske piger, Ulrike og ????
Highslide JS 1981
Celina and Anette A.
Highslide JS 1981
Highslide JS 1981
Bomb-shelter party
Highslide JS 1900
Futbol Game Metzer 1988
Highslide JS 1982
Amnon in his tree rod & Shlomit cutting Amnon& Haims' hair before going to Army Ehud in the pool, Moshe standing
Highslide JS 1977
South African Group on Coral Island Rod & Avigail Sitting - Rhoda, Bev. Yates, me
Highslide JS 1982
Silvester-Party in Kib. Metzer. Mia(Sweden), Claude(Swiss), ?(Sweden), Steven(Swiss), Annette(Denmark), Heidi(Swiss), Anne-Mette(Denmark), Sitting:Ursula(Swiss).
Highslide JS 1982
The Swiss and Argentinian-Group, and also from France and Sweden. (Lukas, Yvonne, Ursula, Kia, Javier, Susanne, etc. Tania Fiori from Brazil.
Highslide JS 1982
Sinai-Trip, Ursula Roth-Meili and Steven Hof from Switzerland
Highslide JS 1982
Bomb-Shelt., Kib. Metzer. Lukas and Ursula from Switzerland, Javier from Argentina
Highslide JS 2006
In Brasília
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Me, ex girlfriend and big friends!!
Highslide JS 1982
Highslide JS 1988
Celebrating pesach in the factory ,Mia, Anneli,Jill,Deko, Wayne(?) Nina, Peter and others
Latest Events: *New
19 January 2024
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Latest Visitors:
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23 December 2023
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1976
Entrance 2010
Highslide JS 1976
Entrance 2010
Highslide JS 1976
Moreh Walter and his wife, Oct. 2010.
Highslide JS 1987
Highslide JS 1980
Highslide JS 1989
update picture
Highslide JS 1980
Chana Simon, Aaron Feldman, Maxine Dover, Karen Dean in front of our building
Highslide JS 1980
The Ulpan
Highslide JS 1979
Ahlan wa sahlan! , , Shlomo
Highslide JS 1972
Carmela at 17
Highslide JS 1974
Basic Training Nachal Machane Shmonim October
Latest Events: *New
29 November 2023
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1951
Groupe de Zohar et Zahava, en 1951
Highslide JS 1987
Highslide JS 1987
Highslide JS 1987
Highslide JS 1987
Highslide JS 1987
Highslide JS 1987
Highslide JS 1987
Highslide JS 1987
Highslide JS 1987
Highslide JS 1987
Highslide JS 1974
Do you remember ,Wiskey
Highslide JS 1974
That white building is the shower
Highslide JS 1974
Benny Pollard, and me on the right
Highslide JS 1974
Benny can't remember other 2
Highslide JS 2008
Latest Events: *New
24 November 2023
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1983
Richard van der Weijden in the Salora factory.
Highslide JS 1983
Is this you Karin? It's taken in the TV factory Salora in Kfar Masaryk 1983
Highslide JS 1982
Highslide JS 1982
All the Best to All at Kfar Masaryk from Keith a volunteer in the years between 1975-1976.
Highslide JS 2009
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Highslide JS 1975
The entrance of Kfar Masaryk in 1975, with Salora on the left and the garage on the right side. In front was a trie-ot for growing advocados.
Highslide JS 1975
Skippy and I shared the second room on the left. The one on the left side was Wieger Wiechels(?) living in. And in the one on the right Chris and Rosie from England.
Highslide JS 2000
most of the volunteers from my time in masaryk are on this pic :)
Highslide JS 1987
A Postcard from Kfar Masryk
Highslide JS 1982
Highslide JS 1975
During a trip across the country near Cecarea
Highslide JS 2004
Owen and Sabrina
Highslide JS 2001
Highslide JS 2001
Front view of kfar masaryk dining room
Latest Events: *New
18 November 2023
Latest Photos
Latest Visitors:
Latest Events: *New
08 November 2023
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1980
Neot Hakkikar
Highslide JS 1992
Cairo -The biggest city in the world and we all bump into each other
Highslide JS 1992
Neot Hakikar - Drinking outside Wendy's place (i think?!)
Highslide JS 1992
Mount Sinai - The long trek back down
Highslide JS 1992
Highslide JS 1992
Mmm giant tuna pasties here
Highslide JS 1992
Shark Club - Dahab
Highslide JS 1992
Dahab from end
Highslide JS 1992
Highslide JS 1992
Tim & Rob in a luxury moshav appartment
Highslide JS 1992
Highslide JS 1992
Highslide JS 1992
Highslide JS 1992
Highslide JS 1992
Home sweet home
Highslide JS 1992
Highslide JS 1992
Highslide JS 1992
Highslide JS 1992
Highslide JS 1992
Latest Events: *New
06 November 2023
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1992
Trip to Dahab 1992
Highslide JS 2008
got my years all wrong, I miss you lot!! Boyfriend Gary at Sde Nitzan....
Highslide JS 1982
Highslide JS 1987
Jolanda says I can put this up!
Highslide JS 1987
Another one of Moshav Sde Nitzan!
Highslide JS 1987
Greenhouse - Moshav Sde Nitzan. Anyone remember what the name of the flowers is?
Highslide JS 1987
The cubes - Sde Nitzan
Highslide JS 1987
Toga party
Highslide JS 1987
Toga party - Paul, Conrad and Rob.
Highslide JS 2005
Highslide JS 2004
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1987 in Sde Nitzan, today all around the world
Highslide JS 1991
More of the crew around May 91'. Corri, are you the head poking in at the left?
Highslide JS 1991
Thais playing foot and head in the ghetto. Bomb shelter bar in the back ground.
Highslide JS 1991
What happens when you mix a scotsman, a pom, sooth afrikan and a yank? A bloody shocking hangover
Highslide JS 1991
Latest Events: *New
06 November 2023
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Highslide JS 1991
Highslide JS 1991
Highslide JS 1991
Highslide JS 1991
Highslide JS 1991
Highslide JS 1991
Highslide JS 1991
Highslide JS 1991
Highslide JS 1991
Highslide JS 1991
Highslide JS 1991
Highslide JS 1991
Highslide JS 1991
Highslide JS 1991
Highslide JS 1982
Highslide JS 1991
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Swimming after lunch and a long, hot morning of digging at Tel Rehov. Kibbutz Nir David.
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Our Fourth of July picnic at Kibbutz Nir David
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A group of us on the deck of one of the guys' cabins
Highslide JS 1995
The Golan Heights
Latest Events: *New
02 November 2023
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1973
Highslide JS 1973
Highslide JS 1973
Highslide JS 1973
Highslide JS 1973
Highslide JS 1973
Highslide JS 1973
Highslide JS 1973
Highslide JS 1973
Highslide JS 1973
Batia in the field
Highslide JS 1973
Highslide JS 1973
Batia with Jean-François
Highslide JS 1973
Lyonnaises entre haÏfa et le pirée
Highslide JS 1973
Highslide JS 1973
Highslide JS 1973
Highslide JS 1973
Sodji et annick
Highslide JS 1973
jimmy and
Highslide JS 1973
Highslide JS 1973
Latest Events: *New
31 October 2023
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1975
On one of the kibbutz's trips
Highslide JS 1974
On one of the kibbutz's trips
Highslide JS 1989
this is Broughty Ferry Dundee Scotland ,i have just been to the red sea for my birthday (lucey)
Highslide JS 2007
33 years old now (i was 22 at Ein Gedi)
Highslide JS 2005
me a couple of years ago in Afghanistan
Highslide JS 2006
This is me, older, bald and fat, but with my daughter Tesia
Highslide JS 1985
Steven Gerrard Once a blue always a blue!
Highslide JS 2007
Milan 2 Liverpool 0 Justice for the 39 Up the Blues!
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Everything about our Ilana was special, even her hair. Thank you Ein Gedi,for enabling her to exist, however briefly it ultimately was.
Highslide JS 1975
The ditsy blondini had hidden depths. Hope y'all enjoyed trolling through my past. This "album" is dedicated to the memories of my friend Ilana, and my daughter Ilana, two extraordinary spirits who were destined to not grow old.
Highslide JS 1975
The bus stop at the kibbutz
Highslide JS 1975
Margaret, super nice kindergarten teacher from Zurich
Highslide JS 1975
In the wadi
Highslide JS 1975
Avi, Martha and Beni
Highslide JS 1974
The waterfall before you get to Nahal David. Adi Yakubovich, doing her army service, is at the right.
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Robert acting up.
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We all walked to Wadi Kelt.
Highslide JS 1975
The kibbutz bus was prone to problems, but never unresolved.
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Coming out of the wadi
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Going in to the wadi, our playground.
Latest Events: *New
28 October 2023
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1986
debbie, gilda and fiona
Highslide JS 1986
chanan and Beccy
Highslide JS 1986
cerys, melanie, julian, mel, marcus
Highslide JS 1986
malcom, julian, adar, mel, helen, dawn and denise
Highslide JS 1986
dawn and denise
Highslide JS 1986
Deb, Helen, denise and Dawn
Highslide JS 1986
Adar Wesley
Highslide JS 1982
Must be hungover!!
Highslide JS 1982
With Lawrence! Yechiam walk
Highslide JS 1982
My birthday,with Chaz! 82
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Highslide JS 1982
a night at the bomb shelter - summer 1982
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Volunteer Toga Party
Highslide JS 2007
Have been in touch with a few people from the Kibbutz now and in contact with Ilan Peten which is fantastic.
Highslide JS 1982
me as i would like to be remembered
Highslide JS 2002
Dvora Mayer
26 October 2023
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1979
Anne Jackson, sorry forgotten name of boy - but he has his arms around Joanne Kellerman from Holland
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Scot Evans - showing off!
Highslide JS 1979
Anne Jackson and Scot Evans
Highslide JS 1979
"Frog the Dog" sorry - only remember the nickname!, Terry and Anne Jackson
Highslide JS 1979
Anne Jackson
Highslide JS 1979
Nissim - my borfriend for a while during my 6 month stay!
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Cricket at the Kibbutz .. Scot Evans, Richard Moore, Martyn ?, Rosie ?, and I think maybe Russell?
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Richard Moore, Scot Evans and Christine - sheltering from the blazing Sinai sun
Highslide JS 1979
Anne Jackson .. I distinctly remember there was something still alive in that shell!
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Scot Evans and Herbie
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Scot Evans "gurning"!
Highslide JS 1988
Neal Bernards arriving at Kfar Hachoresh, 1988
Highslide JS 1988
Neal Bernards in Dahab with Deb Anderson
Highslide JS 1995
During my IDF service in Rosh HaNikra at the border crossing (Lebanon/Israel).
Highslide JS 1983
Highslide JS 1979
Rebecca looking for something in Jeff's hair - I don't know if she found it! Pale Gail in background trying to get brown!
Highslide JS 1979
Roger enjoying icecream in cafe overlooking Sea of Gallilee at Ein Gev kibbutz on a day out.Bought drink and chocolate from kiosk and had to sell it back when we realised we did not have enough money for bus back to Nazerath!
Highslide JS 1979
Rebecca posing in Med at Caesarea! Day out with Phillip.
Highslide JS 1979
Roger and scenery! Day out to Gallilee.
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Jenny and Jane(with matching windblown hairstyle!) on day out with Phillip to Rosh Hanikra by the Lebanese border.
Latest Events: *New
21 October 2023
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 2008
I used to have longer hair and to wear glasses.
Highslide JS 1989
1-Bruce, Kate, Cattis & Mari 2-The Swedish Girls say goodbye to Jim 3-Kibbutz Yehiam says goodbye to the Swedish Girls
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The Hippy Party. What a tremendous about of fun that night was. "Floaters" were flowing all night long and we all got allapaneamed (on your face).
Highslide JS 1989
1-Jimbean The Dancing Queen! 2-Lalo 3-Jason & Keith
Highslide JS 1989
1-Lalo, Keith, & Jim 2-Dee 3-Lalo
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All the volunteers in front of the mess hall. What a bunch of characters!
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xmas 2006
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Highslide JS 1989
Well, he wasnt exactly there in person, but we DID quote him quite a lot.
Highslide JS 2005
Finn Pedersen and daughter Sofie - Denmark 05 - Yehiam 88 and 89
Highslide JS 1971
group of volunteers from many different countries kibbutz yehi'am
Highslide JS 1970
crusaders fort, yehi'am used by kibbutz defenders during the war of independence
Highslide JS 1990
Crete. Not a happy lot and this was before the s..t we picked up with the villagers.Bertus,Anna,Jane
Highslide JS 1990
Rhodes. Anna,Jane,Bertus,Canadian John,Pieter,Tim
Highslide JS 1990
Rhodes.Bertus Tim,Pieter-whos driving??
Highslide JS 1990
Bertus & Deon(Quite sober)
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Peter,Anna,Claire,Irish John getting whipped
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Dutch Harry,Eddy,Bertus etc.Check the beer cans in the window (Purim)
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Ady,Swazi,Pieter,Mushi?Last night
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Wasting Maccabee over the cliffs at the fortress
Latest Events: *New
21 October 2023
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1981
Highslide JS 1981
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Highslide JS 1981
Highslide JS 1981
Highslide JS 1981
Highslide JS 1981
Highslide JS 1981
Highslide JS 1981
Highslide JS 1981
Highslide JS 1981
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Highslide JS 1967
Highslide JS 1967
Highslide JS 1967
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Highslide JS 1982
Mine field
Highslide JS 1980
Highslide JS 1981
Da'hab, Sinai
Highslide JS 1982
Latest Events: *New
20 October 2023
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1986
18th June, 1986. Trip to the Sea of Galilee.
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August or September. Group photo taken near Eilon's swimming pool.
Highslide JS 1983
Highslide JS 1983
Highslide JS 1983
Highslide JS 1983
Highslide JS 1994
Highslide JS 1996
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Highslide JS 1977
Jeff and Mike
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Highslide JS 1977
Sue (USA)
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Ann (New Zealand)
Highslide JS 1977
Madeleine (Canada)
Highslide JS 1977
The Lebanon
Highslide JS 1977
Highslide JS 1999
Hanka & Marije
Highslide JS 1999
shawn doug
Highslide JS 1999
shawn jirka runna
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15 October 2023 15 October 2023
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1994
this is me, and my (in a few seconds) wife
Highslide JS 1994
found on the net, is this in little bomb ?
Highslide JS 1994
Highslide JS 1994
Highslide JS 1994
Highslide JS 1994
Highslide JS 1995
Dahab. It's me in the black shirt.
Highslide JS 1993
Oh look i'm behind the bar and drinking i think this was Steve's night off.
Highslide JS 1993
does anyone remember Uri? He came to visit me in london in 1995
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Darren serving behing the bar did he ever stop smiling?
Highslide JS 2006
Me at Deganya Bet's swimming pool.
Highslide JS 1979
Degania B - Me (George) taken late 1980's in Florida.
Highslide JS 1979
Degania B - Me (George) in Israel 1979
Highslide JS 1979
Degania B - A small chapel located at the summit of Mount Sinai. The mountain is called Jebel Musa in Arabic which means mountain of Moses.
Highslide JS 1979
Degania B - Hiking our way toward the summit of Mount Sinai sometime after dawn.
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Degania B - Peter (England) watching the dawn over the rugged Sinai mountains from Mount Sinai where Moses received the Ten Commandments.
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Degania B - Egyptian soldiers at border checkpoint into Egyptian controlled Sinai.
Highslide JS 1979
Degania B - Ulpan packing up from campsite in the Sinai Peninsula along the coast of the Gulf of Aqaba south of the port of Eilat.
Highslide JS 1979
Degania B - Ulpan preparing for the trip to the Sinai Peninsula in December 1979.
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Degania B - Tower and barn across from ulpan alley near main entrance to kibbutz.
10 October 2023
Latest Photos
Highslide JS 1986
Familiar faces?
Highslide JS 1986
Newly arrived volunteers
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Volunteer accommodation
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Victor and Tracy
Highslide JS 1900
Highslide JS 1986
Duncan, Paul, Ronnie and Gideon
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Sally and Tracy
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My birthday party
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My 23rd birthday cake
Highslide JS 1986
Kees from Holland?
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Eran Fleishman
Highslide JS 1986
Don Cochrane
Highslide JS 1986
Highslide JS 1986
Xmas 86
Highslide JS 1986
Highslide JS 1986
Highslide JS 2006
in the morning...
Highslide JS 1993
Highslide JS 1993
Highslide JS 2003
Me sailing
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