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Statistics• Place Type: Kibbutz/Moshav
• Photos: 221
• Amigos: 219
• No of Visits: 94145
• Last Visit: 27/07/2024 00:48:00
• Last Post: 09/07/2018 20:25:00
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Kibbutz Ein HaHoresh

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Kibbutz Ein HaHoresh Amigos . Recognise anyone?
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Friday March 23rd 2 0 1 8 To 1984-1985 volunteers at Kibbutz Ein Hahoresh . Have put photos onto a f l i c k r dot com website , as unable to get them ... read on.
Posted by: Graham Longstaff Comments: 0

Shalom my fellow volunteers A 'barrel' of laughs! Doobie from Canada Shalom!... read on.
Posted by: darono29 darono29 Comments: 0

Finally, after almost 30 years I went back to Ein Hahoresh. With my husband and kids, we were invited by Erez and his family who still lives there. Driving to Ein Hahoresh I became more ... read on.
Posted by: Wilma Veldhuijzen Comments: 2

Sue, I sent you an e-mail but not being totally computer literate I cannot be sure it will reach you. Totally want to hear from you so please make contact. Evelyn... read on.
Posted by: Evelyn Furedi Comments: 1

I remember going out to the fish ponds with Gidon. He let us try out his M-16 on the ponds. We were shooting at the ducks on the ponds and missing them of course. When ... read on.
Posted by: Steven Brown Comments: 0

Bram, Have you viewed the pics at Ein Hahoresh yet? Does anyone look familiar? Can you post yours on the site? Where did you work? What are you doing now? Steve... read on.
Posted by: Steven Brown Comments: 0

It's great to get an email from lost amigos telling you that someone is looking for you. It gives me a chance to check out new postings...Well Bram from holland contacted me and he has ... read on.
Posted by: Steven Brown Comments: 0

Hey those of you who were at Ein Hachoresh on 1980! I'm planning to visit part of Europe next september/october 2007. I will meet Wilma and Petra in Holland and really would love to meet ... read on.
Posted by: Beno Guelbert Comments: 0

pool parties ,crazy nites in the bar , great friends take me back there please !!... read on.
Posted by: Kevin Todd Comments: 2

I was on this Kibbutz in 1978, a friend told me about this site recently. Quite a few names sound familiar to me. I do remember we picked extra oranges to pay for equipment in ... read on.
Posted by: Pamela Heath Comments: 3

I was at Ein Hachoresh during 1980. I'll never forget those "after work" hours in the club. Comming from far away Argentina it was an exiting and unique opportunity for me to listen to "new" ... read on.
Posted by: Beno Guelbert Comments: 0

I did the right thing by working on the kibbutz. Tell your kids to stay the hell away from there.... read on.
Posted by: Henk Visser Comments: 3

Guess what?? Carolyn, I talked to Dirk. He lives close by. He'll check this site shortly...... read on.
Posted by: Henk Visser Comments: 1

I went through my old pics. I posted some here on this site. I'll start an album on as well so anyone can add their pcs, hows that?... read on.
Posted by: Henk Visser Comments: 0

Henk, nice picture of Gidon. I wonder how he is doing. Remember Schlomo from avocodos. Also, Lotte Schmidt? She visited me in the states! Besides Sally Dumas, who else was in that infamous group that ... read on.
Posted by: Steven Brown Comments: 2

Upon arrrival to the Kibbutz, this group of jewish Americans, from all over the US, who had signed up for a 6 month stint were introduced to Carolina who issued us our proper blue uniforms ... read on.
Posted by: Steven Brown Comments: 0

Henk you son of a gun!! The $20.00 is now worth $2000.00. I want it in $, not Euros or Guilders!! What's new?? Fill me in in the last 30 years!! Steve.... read on.
Posted by: Steven Brown Comments: 1

A Happy New Year to Simen, Carl and all ex Ein Hahoresh volunteers. I was bar manager there in 1977 and worked in the fish ponds and the barrel factory. Gidon, where are you?... read on.
Posted by: Alan Knight Comments: 0

Saiman Huisman, I hope you read this so I can come in contact with you.... read on.
Posted by: Eric Houtman Comments: 0

Does anyone know whether Ein Hahoresh still takes volunteers and if Sarah Mor is still the volunteer leader. The funnyiest thing I ever heard her say was, and I quote: When in Roman do as ... read on.
Posted by: Roslyn Kenny Comments: 0

Does anyone remember what the name of the factory on Ein Hahoresh is called... read on.
Posted by: Roslyn Kenny Comments: 6

Judging by the later pictures, the "volunteers bar" cetainly continued well after our reign from '73-'75. It wasn't there when I arrived and me and a multinational force of volunteers started it. What I want ... read on.
Posted by: Steven Brown Comments: 2

When we arrived at Ein Hahoresh, Oct. '73, there was little to do as far as extra curricular activities. 5 minute chess and shaysh baysh were the high lights. We noticed in the midst of ... read on.
Posted by: Steven Brown Comments: 1

My old message posted almost a year ago landed me a lost Amigo!! Vagn from Denmark. When we were on the Kibbutz, he and Dutch Micheal would play squash at Givat Hayim across from Ein ... read on.
Posted by: Steven Brown Comments: 0

I got in touch with one of my kibbutznic friends from Ein Hahoresh from 1984 who sent me some photos of the kibbutz anno 2006. Very recognizable! The pics brought back some nice memories :) ... read on.
Posted by: Hilde Langseth Fol Comments: 0

All my fellow volunteers from Ein HaHoresh 1984, remember our reunion at Alan's place in Denmark the summer of '85? If we manage to get it touch with the bunch (at least some) we should ... read on.
Posted by: Hilde Langseth Fol Comments: 2

To my fellow volunteers - it would be really nice if we could reconnect after all these years. We have scattered all over the globe but it would be good to see what has happened ... read on.
Posted by: Evelyn Furedi Comments: 1

Posted by: Veronica Scott Comments: 0

Hi San great to hear from you again. did not think I would ever talk to you again. but thanx to lost amigos I found you. i am very happy! will definatly tell all my ... read on.
Posted by: Veronica Scott Comments: 0

Would like to say hi to all the people that were on Ein HaHoresh kibbutz in 1996 if there are any of you out ther please send me a message!... read on.
Posted by: Veronica Scott Comments: 1


VOTES RESULTS FOR COUNTRY the furteh back in time you go the highe up the waste ourt shortys were . today they atre round our butt cheks so we calculate that in fiv yearsd time... short will be round our ancle which has been a fashoin for some lostamigo for some time

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