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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 27 March 2009
• Is Online: False


John Hutchison

John's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Ein HaHoresh, Israel - (219) joined: 28/03/2009 11:52:07
Looking for: Steve Collier, Kathy Bowlen, Christine Shacklock, Steve (from Adelaide), Hugh, Wally, Carmen, Stephanie, Robin, Shiela, James, Joanne, Members Of The Swiss Group And Anyone Else Who Was There At That Time And Who Remembers Me.

Meanwhile in the same Year: Poland government crushes the Solidarity movement ...more
Europe Top Deck Bus Tour, Europe - (2) joined: 28/03/2009 09:29:36
Looking for: Scottie, The Bus Driver And Anyone Who Did The Trainee Courier Tour In 1982 With Me

Meanwhile in the same Year: Grace Kelly dances up to the pearly gates ...more

A bit about John:
Australian, female living in Melbourne .

John's Bucket List


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